

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Would you like to submit an inquiry about camp Čikat, Cres or Lošinj? Please fill out a form and we will do our best to answer as soon as possible. 

This site is intended for questions and answers about the campsites, code of conduct, ferries, dog permission, lighting fire and the like. To submit a booking request, please visit »

q/ Hi, in the house rules I found "Use electricity only for small appliances". Could you specify what max kW of all appliances that are on is allowed? Thanks

P, 17.02.2016


Maximum for one unit it is 3,5/4 kW, more than this can cause power interruption. But everything depends how many guest are in campsite at that moment.

Admin, 18.02.2016

q/ Hello, is free entrance to the aquapark for all guests? We are going to the camp with the agency Atlas Adria. Regards, Jana

J, 31.07.2015

a/ Guest of Atlas Adria pay the full price for aquapark, see prices here

Admin, 31.07.2015

q/ We would like visit your camp with our dog. She is an American Staffordshire Terier. Is it possible? Do you accept this type of dog? Thanks for your answer

KK, 27.07.2015

a/ We accept all dogs, as long as it is in accordance with the house rules, and if it is on a leash.

Admin, 27.07.2015

q/ Is the Park already opened?

MM, 20.07.2015

a/ Yes, read more here

Admin, 20.07.2015

q/ Hi - we have a reservation at your Camp from mid July 2015. Do you still expect the pool area to be open then? Kind regards Jacob Lerche

JL, 05.07.2015

a/ It is expected that aquapark will be opened on 10th July.

Admin, 06.07.2015

q/ Do you accept small well behaved dogs?

MCD, 09.12.2014


Yes, dogs are welcome in campsite Čikat. Please read house rules regarding dogs.

Admin, 09.12.2014

q/ I have question about exchange? Is there exchange in your camp? Thank you

JB, 30.08.2012

a/ Yes, there is an exchange office at the reception of the campsite.

Admin, 30.08.2012

q/ Poštovani, Da li je kod vas možan najam pedalina? Hvala. Jasna Bevk

JB, 17.07.2012

a/ U kampu nije moguće unajmiti pedalinu ali u sportskom centru Čikat koji se nalazi cca 400 m od kampa moguće je iznajmiti pedaline, kao i barke, kanue i sl.

Admin, 18.07.2012

q/ We´d like to travel around Croatia and are not sure about our arrival at your camp. Is it necessary to book a stay for the beginning of July? Thanks! monika

MS, 16.06.2012

a/ It is no problem to come without reservation.

Admin, 17.06.2012

q/ There is a diving center in the camping? If not, where is it? Thank you for your answer

SC, 06.06.2012

a/ Diving centar is near the Camp, cca. 500 m from here.

Admin, 06.06.2012

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